CAS Dismisses George Afriyie’s Appeals Case Against GFA

The Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) has dismissed the Appeal filed by George Akwasi Afriyie against the decision of the GFA Appeals Committee on the 2023 GFA Presidential Elections.

In a decision delivered to both parties on Monday, May 6, 2024, CAS upheld the decision of the Appeals Committee of the GFA and awarded costs against George Akwasi Afriyie.

George Akwasi Afriyie, the appellant in the case, has been ordered to pay an amount of CHF1,000.00 (one thousand Swiss Francs) to the Ghana Football Association as a contribution towards legal fees and other expenses incurred in connection with the arbitration.

Aside from that, CAS also ruled that the costs of arbitration, which will be determined separately, shall be borne by George Akwasi Afriyie.

On September 29, 2023, George Akwasi Afriyie filed an appeal with CAS against the GFA with respect to the decision of the GFA Appeals Committee. In his appeal, George Akwasi Afriyie sought an order directing the GFA Elections Committee to allow him to contest for the office of President of the GFA.

He also sought an order nullifying any GFA presidential election conducted by the GFA pending the final determination of the case and an order directing the GFA to conduct fresh elections.

The GFA, which was represented in this matter by Ms. Naa Odofoley Nortey (Esq.), Beyuo & Company, and General Secretary, Prosper Harrison Addo (Esq.), contended that the Elections Committee and the Appeals Committee were right in disqualifying George Akwasi Afriyie and that he did not meet the criteria as set out in Article 30(3) of the GFA Statutes.

In its response, the GFA stated, amongst other things, that the endorsement of the appellant by one member of the GFA was made through a person whose name was not part of the list of authorised signatories of the club, a fact that the appellant, George Akwasi Afriyie, knew or should have known at the time of submitting the application to be false. The GFA also stated that the appeal was without legal merit and could only reasonably be classified as forum shopping by the appellant on the basis of the same facts.

After due consideration of all the evidence produced and all submissions made, CAS concluded that there are no valid grounds to set aside the decision rendered by the GFA Appeals Committee and upheld the decision of the Elections Committee on the grounds that the appellant’s nomination, contrary to the statutes and regulations of the GFA, was supported by four instead of the five required members of the GFA.

The decision by CAS brings closure to the matter of George Akwasi Afriyie’s disqualification from the 2023 GFA Presidential Elections.

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